101 The New Crepes Cookbook: 101 Sweet & Savory Crepe Recipes, from Traditional to Gluten-Free,

101 The New Crepes Cookbook: 101 Sweet & Savory Crepe Recipes, from Traditional to Gluten-Free,

Matematika Sekolah Menengah Atas yang bisaaaa tolong bantu​

yang bisaaaa tolong bantu​


lingkaran P(a,b) ,  jari jari  r
(x - a)² +(y - b)² = r²

lingkaran 3x²+ 3y² - 4x + 8y - 1=  0

*bagi 3

x² + y² -  ⁴/₃ x  + ⁸/₃ y =  ¹/₃

(x  - ²/₃)² + (y + ⁴/₃)² =  ¹/₃ +  ⁴/₉ + ¹⁶/₉

(x  - ²/₃)² + (y + ⁴/₃)² =  ²³/₉

P(a,b ) =  (²/₃ ,  - ⁴/₃)

r² = ²³/₉ , maka  r =  ¹/₃√23
